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Inbound marketing

  • Improve your findability

  • Optimize conversion rates

  • Generate more leads

  • Increase your revenues

Interested in our inbound marketing approach?

Aexus helps tech and software companies extend their reach into Europe and the United States by providing expert inbound marketing services. Send us your details and we’ll get back to you to schedule a timeslot to talk.

    About us

    Aexus is the leading sales and marketing organization for innovative companies that wish to scale. We help tech and software companies extend their reach into Europe and the United States by providing expert inbound marketing services.

    Aexus was founded in the year 2000 and has 7 offices and 100+ staff throughout Europe and the US.

    “We build business, accelerate sales and fearlessly guide innovative tech and software companies into new, uncharted territories.”

    Chris Gerretsen. CEO Aexus

    Typical client results

    Inbound marketing is an approach focused on attracting customers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful — not interruptive. With inbound marketing, potential customers find you through channels like blogs, search engines, and social media.

    By working with Aexus Inbound Marketing you will be able to:

    • Improve your findability

    • Optimize conversion rates

    • Generate more leads

    • Increase your revenues


    What is Inbound Marketing?

    An ever-increasing part of the customer journey takes place online, and on social media. Before contacting you, a prospect has already taken many steps in the decision-making process. It is therefore crucially important that the prospect can find you during that process. Inbound marketing is the most effective method for doing business online. On top of traditional outbound marketing activities (advertising, buying email lists, cold calling leads), inbound marketing focuses on:

    • Increasing your online findability.

    • Creating quality content that attracts relevant people to the company and its product/solution.

    • Making sure that your prospects will find you when looking for a solution for their problem by bringing valuable information to them at the right time. This will help your prospects to find your services and lead the audience to your company channels.

    • Helping you convert these leads and generate business. More leads, optimized conversion rates and a higher turnover, that’s our ultimate goal.

    How we reach that goal, you ask?
    Well, each organization is different, so we tailor our approach to your offering, market position and target groups.


    Meet the team

    Janette Berg


    Jos van der Meulen


    Eric Haeken


    Chris Gerretsen


    Brendan Reid


    Our approach

    We join forces with you to determine which mix suits your organization best. We choose the right channels and ensure they seamlessly integrate and reinforce each other. We call this ‘marketing orchestration’.

    We then help you implement this marketing plan and recommend the options that will deliver the best results - transparently and directly. We monitor the progress and if necessary, we adjust our approach.

    Inbound marketing activities

    Understanding the target group

    Everything starts with understanding your target group. What are the issues they are facing, which challenges do they have, what are their plans and what are the trends and developments in their field of business?

    Buyer persona development

    A buyer persona is a detailed description of someone who represents your target audience. By formulating buyer personas, we can group the target customers and understand what they are looking to solve. With this, it is possible to streamline the marketing approach and to create content that converts.

    Keyword analysis

    Analyzing the keywords or search phrases that bring visitors to your website through organic and paid search. To be found, you must know what your target is searching for. With a keyword analysis, we can make sure that your audience finds your content at the right place, at the right time.

    Content plan development that:

    • Is based on the personas and keyword analysis
    • Includes content for all stages of the buyer’s journey
    • Attracts, engages and delights the target audience

    Tailored content mix that can include:

    • Blog articles
    • Guides
    • E-books
    • Video content, animations
    • Infographics
    • Podcasts
    • FAQs
    • White papers

    Distribution of the content:

    Determine the best channels to reach your audience

    • Social media
    • External media, incl. online and offline magazines
    • Newsletters & email campaigns

    Performance monitoring and optimization

    We continuously measure & monitor how the content resonates with your target audience. Based on this we optimize. Create – publish – measure & monitor – learn & adjust … and repeat.


    Read our blogposts

    Contact us

    Aexus helps tech and software companies extend their reach
    into Europe and the United States by providing expert inbound marketing services.
    Send us your details and we’ll get back to you to schedule a timeslot to talk.